Casey Pelzl is a Hunt to Eat conservation contributor and ambassador. She was raised just outside of Houston, TX, but her family spent all of their vacation time in Winter Park, CO. In college, she majored in Biochemistry and Philosophy, and she started her scientific career as a vaccinologist/immunologist at various biotech and pharma companies in San Diego. Casey went on to earn a Masters in Public Health, specializing in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and she's been working as an epidemiologist in traumatic injury research since 2013.
Hunting was not a part of her (or her husband's) upbringing, but as avid deep-sea anglers, they saw hunting as the next logical step in becoming closer to the food they eat and the land they love. Although they aren't having kids, they want to do our part to make sure the wild animals and places that they love so much are healthy and thrive for generations to come.
"It's not ours; it's just our turn." - Doug Duren
Follow Casey at @case_pez on IG